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  • Area Development

    We have been thinking about this for a long tine.

    Perhaps somewhere a few kilometers off the south eastern freeway. Not more than 50 km south east of mt barker.

    The main idea is to make it with philosophy and ideas for better community systems and options. There are books on it. Our own ideas fill many books.

    Register your interest:

    30000 gets you space for maybe 20 homes with water, sewerage, electricity and internet mains.

    We will be buying 150+ acres, more the better depending on investors and land price.

    1. Get cheap houses
    • Non for profit brick, window and other making on sight
    • People can buy parts to build their own homes, and we organised groups 4 to 5 with professional instructions and oversight, unless someone want to build themselves
    • Ownership by indefinite lease (to save on stamp duty and making relocation easier)
    • more info...
    1. Systems more connected community
    • Community app for work, hosing location swap, interests, project, things people would like to do or work on, community area allocations, friend gathering incentives, and more
    • Choose friends in housing category you would like to live next to, this will work because homes will be... more info...
    • community individual support
    • community census for interests and project development
    • housing and infrastructure development
    • house building collaboration groups and plans and oversight
    • jobs and business collaborations
    • commission from area goes back into community
    • free community area allocations (where unoccupied) via app and code entry. such as you will get free area if you run a business. business can be sold however when not in use will return to the community.
    • residency by voting
    • work done in area and things made for area being work for residents if they wish at times and with people that suit them
    • community QR store and gardens
    • and much more

    All establishments to register for idea submissions, i know the contradiction that people will just copy ideas from someone else and they will be the same that someone else has come up with however way to work around that is

    somewhere like this:
    or this
    more suggestions

    anyone want to join?
    You can get a block for $1100?!?, its yours, and you can sell it... but not for more than buying price unless a house is on it and then only for some what inflated price to what the house is worth for its development.

  • Land titles. How to make home ownership and moving house easier and cheaper

    fixed pricing + home cost or additions assessment
    no house that another can't own by means of paying off, even if it means they pay until they are dead and leave the mortgage behind
    Maximum mortgage repayment prices to be that to suit unemployed (or 25% of income)

  • Bugs list

    google signup not working

  • name this project

    more to life
    200-4000 Acres